
Friday 31 May 2013

World book day outfit PETER PAN

World book day gave us a new challenge where primary kids had to dress up as their favorite book character. We had very little time and I already trouble going to shop for any new supplies as my would be baby was due any time soon.

So finally we started to look at all fairytale books in the shelves who were not even touched after they were bought. I have a nerve of buying books I just cant stop myself from a book bargain even if LO couldn't read.

So we came up with few Ideas such as pirate, Mike the knight, Peter Pan, Robin Hood and finally MOWGLI.

After a good search on raw materials A final decision was made. Its going to be a Peter Pan outfit. (Well I was convinced at Mowgli as it only needed  little underpants but that could be offensive to go to school naked so unfortunately dropped the Idea). Any ways it needed very little prep as I had a green shirt which I had no problem of cutting and teamed it up with peter pan collars(made out of triangles left from the bottom of the shirt and sewed in the neck of the shirt), a green GAP denim, wellie boots and a hand made sword and some pixie dust (a must).

Here's a picture of what it looked like in the end.

OK something is still missing .. A CAP

Here's what could be done. A nice cap made out of paper plate and colored in green and for a pixie touch a little Red feather is added on the side. Now that's a perfect  look.

DS loves this outfit. It was one of the very few outfits made at home in the class. He was really proud of the dress. Oh yes he has his night shirt under his outfit as its too cold where we live and my Tee shirt is quite loose on him. 

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